Things I find interesting.
* svd_demo.cpp
* Given that you put version 3.5.0 into /opt/lapack/ compile this with:
* g++ svd_demo.cpp -I"/opt/lapack/lapack-3.5.0/lapacke/include" \
* -L"/opt/lapack/lapack-3.5.0" -llapacke -llapack -lblas -lcblas
* The order of included libraries is important!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <lapacke.h>
#include <cblas.h>
using namespace std;
typedef double value;
/** Column major style! */
string matrix2string(int m, int n, value* A)
ostringstream oss;
for (int j=0;j<m;j++)
for (int k=0;k<n;k++)
oss << A[j+k*m] << "\t";
oss << endl;
return oss.str();
int main(int argc, char** argv)
//> Part 1. Decomposition. -----------------------------------------
char jobu = 'A'; // Return the complete matrix U
char jobvt = 'A'; // Return the complete matrix VT
int mA = 2;
int nA = 3;
int lda = 2;
int ldu = 2;
int ldvt = 3;
int lwork = 81;
int info = 0;
value* A = (value*)malloc(mA*nA*sizeof(value));
value* U = (value*)malloc(mA*mA*sizeof(value));
value* VT = (value*)malloc(nA*nA*sizeof(value));
value* Svec = (value*)malloc(3*sizeof(value));
value* work = (value*)malloc(lwork*sizeof(value));
A[0] = 1; A[2] = 2; A[4] = 4;
A[1] = 0; A[3] = 0; A[5] = 4;
cout << "Matrix A (will be overwritten, as is documented):" << endl <<
// Citing lapacke.h
//lapack_int LAPACKE_dgesvd(int matrix_order, char jobu, char jobvt,
// lapack_int m, lapack_int n, double* a,
// lapack_int lda, double* s, double* u, lapack_int ldu,
// double* vt, lapack_int ldvt, double* superb);
info = LAPACKE_dgesvd(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, jobu, jobvt, mA, nA, A, lda, Svec, U, ldu, VT, ldvt, work);
cout << "Ran dgesvd. Let's see ..." << endl <<
"U:" << endl << matrix2string(mA,mA,U) <<
"Svec:" << endl << matrix2string(1,nA,Svec) <<
"VT:" << endl << matrix2string(nA,nA,VT) <<
"Info Code: " << info << endl << endl <<
"All is well." << endl;
//< ----------------------------------------------------------------
//> Part 2. Checking the result. -----------------------------------
value* S = (value*)malloc(mA*nA*sizeof(value));
S[0] = Svec[0]; S[2] = 0 ; S[4] = 0 ;
S[1] = 0 ; S[3] = Svec[1]; S[5] = 0 ;
// Citing cblas.h
// void cblas_dgemm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
// const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const int M, const int N,
// const int K, const double alpha, const double *A,
// const int lda, const double *B, const int ldb,
// const double beta, double *C, const int ldc);
// work := S*VT; (2x3)=(2x3)*(3x3)
cblas_dgemm(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans,mA,nA,nA,1,S,lda,VT,ldvt,0,work,lda) ;
cout << "Step 1: S*VT" << endl << matrix2string(2,3,work);
// A := U*work; (2x2)*(2x3)
cout << "A := U*S*VT:" << endl << matrix2string(mA,nA,A) << endl;
//< ----------------------------------------------------------------
free(A); free(U); free(VT); free(Svec); free(work); free(S);